Publications & Presentations


Subigya Nepal, Wenjun Liu, Arvind Pillai, Weichen Wang, Vlado Vojdanovski, Jeremy F. Huckins, Courtney Rogers, Meghan L. Meyer, and Andrew T. Campbell. Capturing the College Experience: A Four-Year Mobile Sensing Study of Mental Health, Resilience and Behavior of College Students during the Pandemic. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. March 2024.[pdf]

Xuhai Xu, Xin Liu, Han Zhang, Weichen Wang, Subigya Nepal, Yasaman Sefidgar, Woosuk Seo, Kevin S Kuehn, Jeremy F Huckins, Margaret E Morris, Paula S Nurius, Eve A Riskin, Shwetak Patel, Tim Althoff, Andrew Campbell, Anind K Dey, Jennifer Mankoff. GLOBEM: Cross-Dataset Generalization of Longitudinal Human Behavior Modeling. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. Jan 2023. Won distinguished paper award (top 1% of all papers) [pdf]

Weichen Wang, Subigya Nepal, Jeremy F Huckins, Lessley Hernandez, Vlado Vojdanovski, Dante Mack, Jane Plomp, Arvind Pillai, Mikio Obuchi, Alex daSilva, Eilis Murphy, Elin Hedlund, Courtney Rogers, Meghan Meyer, Andrew Campbell. First-Gen Lens: Assessing Mental Health of First-Generation Students across Their First Year at College Using Mobile Sensing. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. June 2022.[pdf]

Subigya Nepal, Weichen Wang, Vlado Vojdanovski, Jeremy F Huckins, Alex daSilva, Meghan Meyer, Andrew Campbell. COVID student study: A year in the life of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of mobile phone sensing. Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'22), New Orleans, LA, May. 2022.[pdf]

Dante L Mack, Alex W DaSilva, Courtney Rogers, Elin Hedlund, Eilis I Murphy, Vlado Vojdanovski, Jane Plomp, Weichen Wang, Subigya K Nepal, Paul E Holtzheimer, Dylan D Wagner, Nicholas C Jacobson, Meghan L Meyer, Andrew T Campbell, Jeremy F Huckins. Mental Health and Behavior of College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Mobile Smartphone and Ecological Momentary Assessment Study, Part II. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2021;23(6):e28892.[link]

Weichen Wang, Shayan Mirjafari, Gabriella Harari, Dror Ben-Zeev, Rachel Brain, Tanzeem Choudhury, Marta Hauser, John Kane, Kizito Masaba, Subigya Nepal, Akane Sano, Emily Scherer, Vincent Tseng, Rui Wang, Hongyi Wen, Jialing Wu, Andrew Campbell. Social Sensing: Assessing Social Functioning of Patients Living with Schizophrenia using Mobile Phone Sensing. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20), Honolulu, April. 2020. [pdf]

Mikio Obuchi, Jeremy F Huckins, Weichen Wang, Alex daSilva, Courtney Rogers, Eilis Murphy, Elin Hedlund, Paul Holtzheimer, Shayan Mirjafari, Andrew Campbell. Predicting Brain Functional Connectivity Using Mobile Sensing. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), March 2020. [pdf]

Jeremy Huckins, Alex W DaSilva, Weichen Wang, Elin L Hedlund, Courtney Rogers, Subigya K Nepal, Jialing Wu, Mikio Obuchi, Eilis I Murphy, Meghan L Meyer, Dylan D Wagner, Paul E Holtzheimer, Andrew T Campbell. Mental Health and Behavior During the Early Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Mobile Smartphone and Ecological Momentary Assessment Study in College Students. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 2020;22(6):e20185 [pdf]

Gabriella M Harari, Sandrine R Müller, Clemens Stachl, Rui Wang, Weichen Wang, Markus Bühner, Peter J Rentfrow, Andrew T Campbell, Samuel D Gosling. Sensing sociability: Individual differences in young adults’ conversation, calling, texting, and app use behaviors in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, May 20, 2019. [pdf]

Jeremy F. Huckins, Alex W. daSilva, Rui Wang, Weichen Wang, Elin L. Hedlund, Eilis I. Murphy, Richard B. Lopez, Courtney Rogers, Paul E. Holtzheimer, William M. Kelley, Todd F. Heatherton, Dylan D. Wagner, James V. Haxby and Andrew T. Campbell. Fusing Mobile Phone Sensing and Brain Imaging to Assess Depression in College Students. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Volume 13 Page 248, 21 March 2019. [pdf]

Alex W DaSilva, Jeremy F Huckins, Rui Wang, Weichen Wang, Dylan D Wagner, Andrew T Campbell. Correlates of Stress in the College Environment Uncovered by the Application of Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations to Mobile Sensing Data. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU), 2019, 7(3): e12084. [pdf]

Weichen Wang, Gabriella M. Harari, Rui Wang, Sandrine R. Müller, Shayan Mirjafari, Kizito Masaba and Andrew T. Campbell. Sensing Behavioral Change Over Time: Using Within-Person Variability Features from Mobile Sensing to Predict Personality Traits. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) Volume 3 Issue 2, September 2018. [pdf]

Rui Wang, Weichen Wang, Alex daSilva, Jeremy F. Huckins, William M. Kelley, Todd F. Heatherton, and Andrew T. Campbell. Tracking Depression Dynamics in College Students Using Mobile Phone and Wearable Sensing. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) Volume 2 Issue 1, March 2018, Article No. 43. [pdf]

Harari, G. M., Gosling, S. D., Wang, R., Chen, F., Chen, Z., Campbell, A. T. (2017). Patterns of Behavior Change in Students Over an Academic Term: A Preliminary Study of Activity and Sociability Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensing Methods. Computers in Human Behavior, 67, 129-138. [pdf]

Saeb S, Lattie EG, Schueller SM, Kording KP, Mohr DC. (2016) The relationship between mobile phone location sensor data and depressive symptom severity. PeerJ 4:e2537 [pdf]

Harari, G. M., Lane, N. D., Wang, R., Crosier, B., Campbell, A. T., & Gosling, S. D. (in press). Using Smartphones to Collect Behavioral Data in Psychological Science: Opportunities, Practical Considerations, and Challenges. Perspectives on Psychological Science.[pdf]

Colvin, C. R., Tignor, S. M., Wang, R., & Campbell, A. (January, 2016). Individual differences in mobility patterns and personality. The 17th Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Rui Wang, Min S. H. Aung, Saeed Abdullah, Rachel Brian, Andrew T. Campbell, Tanzeem Choudhury, Marta Hauser, John Kane, Michael Merrill, Emily A. Scherer, Vincent W. S. Tseng, and Dror Ben-Zeev. "CrossCheck: Toward passive sensing and detection of mental health changes in people with schizophrenia." In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 886-897. ACM, 2016. [pdf]

Rui Wang, Gabriella Harari, Peilin Hao, Xia Zhou, and Andrew T. Campbell. "SmartGPA: How Smartphones Can Assess and Predict Academic Performance of College Students." To be presented at ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015), Osaka, Japan from Sep. 7-11, 2015 Honorable Mention Award [pdf]

Rui Wang, Xia Zhou, and Andrew T. Campbell. "Using Opportunistic Face Logging from Smartphone to Infer Mental Health: Challenges and Future Directions." To be presented at 4th ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science (MCSS 2015), Osaka, Japan from Sep. 7-11, 2015 [pdf]

Sophia Haim, Rui Wang, Sarah E. Lord, Lorie Loeb, Xia Zhou, and Andrew T. Campbell. "The Mobile Stress Meter: A New Way to Measure Stress Using Images." To be presented at 4th ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science (MCSS 2015), Osaka, Japan from Sep. 7-11, 2015 [pdf]

Dror Ben-Zeev, Emily A. Scherer, Rui Wang, Haiyi Xie, and Andrew T. Campbell. "Next-generation psychiatric assessment: Using smartphone sensors to monitor behavior and mental health." Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 38(3), Sep 2015 [pdf]

Randy Colvin, Stefanie Tignor, Rui Wang, Andrew T. Campbell, Inching Closer to Objective Personality Assessment: The Promise of Smartphone Data, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Long Beach, CA February, 2015.

Colvin, C. R., Tignor, S. M., Campbell, A. T., & Wang, R. (February, 2015). Inching closer to objective personality assessment: The promise of smartphone data. The 16th Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Tignor, S. M., Colvin, C. R., Wang, R., & Campbell, A. (April, 2014). Illuminating student well-being using real-world behavior tracking. The 3rd Annual Boston-area Graduate Student Symposium, Boston, MA.

Gabriella M. Harari, Samuel D. Gosling, Rui Wang, Andrew T. Campbell, Capturing Situational Information with Smartphones and Mobile Sensing Methods, European Journal of Personality, 2015.[pdf]

Rui Wang, Fanglin Chen, Zhenyu Chen, Tianxing Li, Gabriella Harari, Stefanie Tignor, Xia Zhou, Dror Ben-Zeev, and Andrew T. Campbell. "StudentLife: Assessing Mental Health, Academic Performance and Behavioral Trends of College Students using Smartphones." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. 2014. Nominated for the best paper award (top 5% of all papers) [pdf]

Fanglin Chen, Rui Wang, Xia Zhou, and Andrew T. Campbell. "My smartphone knows i am hungry." In Proceedings of the 2014 workshop on physical analytics, pp. 9-14. ACM, 2014. [pdf]

Zhenyu Chen, Mu Lin, Fanglin Chen, Nicholas D. Lane, Giuseppe Cardone, Rui Wang, Tianxing Li, Yiqiang Chen, Tanzeem Choudhury, Andrew T. Campbell, Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring using Smartphones, 7th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health ’13), May 2013 [pdf]


Andrew Campbell "Keynote: "Moonshot for Mental Health"", Amazon Lab126 Camera & Sensors Tech Summit, November 2022

Andrew Campbell "Keynote: Assessing the Mental Health of College Students using Mobile Sensing", Health Data Science Symposium at Harvard, November 2021

Andrew Campbell "Keynote: Future of Mental Health Sensing", Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA) Conference, Melbourne, Jan 2020

Andrew Campbell "Keynote address on Future of Mental Health Sensing on College Campuses", HotMobile, 2018

Andrew Campbell "My brother Ed: Mental illness was not his choice.", Presented at the ACM UbiComp workshop on mental health, September 2016

Harari, G. M., Wang, R., Campbell, A. T., & Gosling, S. D. (2016, January). Capturing Sociability Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensing. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Andrew Campbell "StudentLife: Using Smartphones to Assess Mental Health and Academic Performance of College Students", GVU Center Brown Bag Seminar Series: Andrew Campbell, November, 2015

Rui Wang "SmartGPA: How Smartphones Can Assess and Predict Academic Performance of College Students", ACM UbiComp, Sept 11, 2015

Andrew Campbell "StudentLife",Keynote on StudentLife, AAAI ICWSM Conference, Oxford, May 2015

Andrew Campbell "What happens when life throws you a googly?", Wireless Health Conference, 2014

Rui Wang "StudentLife: Assessing Mental Health, Academic Performance and Behavioral Trends of College Students using Smartphones", ACM UbiComp, Sept 15, 2014

Rui Wang "My smartphone knows i am hungry.", Workshop on Physical Analytics, June 16, 2014


Digital Mental Health & AI Symposium@ Dartmouth, September 19, 2023.

SXSW 2019: The Future of Wellbeing with Ubiquitous Sensing with Gloria Mark, Tanzeem Choudhury, and Mary Czerwinski, 2019.

Google/Verily:Healthcare Faculty Workshop, 2018.

Get in touch

If you have any questions regarding the study or dataset contact andrew.t.p.campbell [at] gmail [dot] com